College admissions representatives frequently travel to locations across the country, and around the world, to provide interested students and their parents an opportunity to learn more about their school.
Many colleges and universities typically host off-campus information sessions during the spring and fall. During these sessions, admission representatives provide attendees with an overview of the institution, admission procedures, and financial aid. Usually, time is allocated for questions toward the end.
Keep your eyes open for college presentations, fairs and information sessions in your area. Your school’s college guidance office may post them on a bulletin board and your school’s website. If your high school does not display a comprehensive list, you may want to “surf the web” to see if you can find information posted by other high schools in your area.
When you explore the admissions sections of college websites, you’ll often see a list of events, usually organized by state. Also, you may also receive invitations directly from colleges after requesting information or joining their mailing list.
Groups of colleges and universities sometimes host multi-college events.
For example, Northwestern partners with Dartmouth College, Princeton University, the University of California, Berkeley, and Vanderbilt University as part of the Coast to Coast College Tour (
At each of these joint travel events, representatives provide a brief overview of their institution, general information on admission and financial aid policies and process, and also offer students and their parents the opportunity to speak informally with admission representatives.
Other joint travel events include Big Ten College Tour; Exploring Educational Excellence ( – Brown, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, and Rice); and Exploring College Options ( – Duke University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford.
When you find events that appeal to you, sign up as early as possible. Many of the more popular sessions have limited seating and fill up quickly.

Lynn Radlauer Lubell, Publisher of and Founder of Admission By Design, an Educational Consultancy based in Boca Raton, Florida.