Many budding scientists and engineers savor the thrill of invention. The annual Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams competition is a prime opportunity for high school students to cultivate their creativity and experience “Eureka” moments.
Each year selected high school teams (menor and students) receive a grant from Lemelson-MIT to develop their invention to solve a real-world problem. Team size generally ranges from 5 to 15 students. InvenTeam projects span a broad range of fields from assistive devices to environmental technologies and consumer goods. Many applicants focus on needs of the world’s poorest people when brainstorming potential ideas.
Applying for an InvenTeam grant is a two-step process. The initial application is available online each fall and due in the spring. Finalists are selected from the initial applications to continue in the process.
Grants are awarded for the following academic year. Educators sometimes begin the application process while recruiting students participants.
Team selected to participate in the program present their invention prototype at MIT during the annual EurekaFest.
The InvenTeam Application Timeline and more information can be found at:

Lynn Radlauer Lubell, Publisher of and Founder of Admission By Design, an Educational Consultancy based in Boca Raton, Florida.