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61 Questions For Your College Campus Visit

College Campus Visit during college admission processPicking the right college is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a young adult.  Asking the right questions while on a college campus visit can help you make the right college choice.

Answers to some of the questions below will not only give you a better sense for the college, but will help you decide whether or not it’s a good fit for you.

  1. Does the college offer merit aid?  Average package size? What percentage of students receive? What factor are considered?  GPA required to retain?
  2. How easy is it to change majors within the college or university?  (Example: moving into business program from liberal arts)
  3. During the term (excluding exam periods) which days do students typically study hard?
  4. What type(s) of assignments are required?  Do students study by themselves or in groups?
  5. How much writing/reading/thinking is involved?
  6. Where do students typically study and do homework?  When is the library open?
  7. What percentage of students accept job offers prior to graduation?  grad school admission?  Support from / role of college’s career services department.
    How does college help students secure internship opportunities?
  8. How are classes typically graded?   (e.g. number and weighting of  problem sets, homework, quizzes, exams, projects, etc.)
  9. How quickly are grades available?  How do students receive feedback on academic performance?
  10. How challenging are the courses and exams?
  11. Does the coursework encourage creative thinking or memorization?
  12. What is the typical class size?  (lecture, lab, discussion group)
  13. How many classes do students typically take per semester?
  14. Do students attend lectures or take classes on-line?
  15. How often do students engage in classroom discussion?
  16. How and where do students typically interact with faculty?  Examples of rapport between professors and students.
  17. Do students frequently discuss academic topics outside the classroom?
  18. What percentage of students return for sophomore year? (retention rate)
  19. What percentage of students graduate in 4/5/6 years?  (graduation rates)
  20. How competitive or collaborative is the culture?
  21. What’s the availability of tutoring and extra help?  How common is it for students to hire tutors?
  22. What types of resources and special programs are available? (e.g. Writing Center, Undergraduate Research, Career Planning, Internships, Seminars, Honors, Learning Disabilities)  How popular?  How are students selected for various programs?
  23. What are the general course and graduation requirements?  How can students transfer between programs? (e.g. business, nursing, liberal arts, engineering)  Is there a language requirement?
  24. What is a typical freshman academic schedule?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of the freshman curriculum?
  25. Who typically teaches freshman classes? (e.g. graduate students, professors)
  26. When and how do students select a major?  What are the most popular majors?  How easy is it to double major?    What are the reputations of the various departments?  What guidance is available to students who don’t know what they are interested in studying?  Are there any new or expanding majors?
  27. How easy is it to enroll in classes?  How often are courses full?  How does the wait list priority system work?
  28. Do many students attend summer school?
  29. Are there special pre-med, pre-law, pre-business programs?  What percentage of students go to graduate or professional school?
  30. What percentage of students find work directly after graduation?  What role does the college play?
  31. How accessible and supportive are the faculty?
  32. What’s the typical role of the faculty advisor?  How much interaction?  Do students speak with advisors about summer jobs and career plans?
  33. What kinds of activities are available?  What’s popular? How involved are most students? How much time do students typically spend per week? Are there specific clubs and activities?
  34. Are there honors courses, learning communities, special programs?  How popular?
  35. What are typical weekend activities?  Do students stay on or near campus?  How expensive are typically weekend activities?
  36. How is technology used in the classroom, libraries, eating areas and dormitories?   Is there WiFi throughout the campus?  Is the technology up-to-date?
  37. How do students interact with others who have different political / social / intellectual views and religions?  Is there a prevailing culture or attitude?
  38. How common is study abroad?  Does the school sponsor or recommend specific programs?  How do the credits transfer?
  39. What’s the policy for AP / IB/ AICE credit and for courses taken at other colleges?
  40. What types of events are sponsored by the college?  How often?
  41. How strong is the school spirit?  What activities are offered to encourage school spirit?
  42. Where do students typically live? (e.g. dormitories, on-campus apartments, etc) Does that change after freshman year? Are the dorms clustered or spread out around the campus?
  43. What are the dorms like?  (coed, single sex, lounges, cooking, laundry and bathroom facilities)  How are dorms assigned?  How are roommates chosen?  Is housing guaranteed?  Are the facilities well kept and in good repair?
  44. How do students get around?   Are cars permitted?
  45. Are students welcome in the surrounding community?  What is the surrounding area (town, city) like?
  46. How is the food?  Where do students typically eat?  Do the dining halls serve healthy choices such as fresh fruits and vegetables?  What are the meal plan requirements?
  47. What is the “Greek” influence?   Can you have a good social life without joining a fraternity or sorority?   What percentage of students join fraternities and sororities?
  48. How do students typically dress?  (e.g. designer clothing, casual)
  49. What is the weather like during the school year?
  50. How happy are students with the education and college experience?  What do they like most and least?  Why did they choose the college?
  51. How often do students typically go home?  Where are students from? (e.g. local area, in-state, international)
  52. What role does athletics / arts / religion play on campus?  What activities are available?
  53. What percentage of students participate in intramural sports? Are athletic and recreational facilities open to all students?
  54. What types of financial aid / scholarships are available?  (freshman and upperclassmen)  How available are campus jobs?
  55. What is the cost of attending?  How has that changed over the past few years?  What is the expected price increase?  Are there additional fees for computers or anything else?
  56. How safe is the campus?  What security measures are in place?
  57. What types of of health and counseling services are available?
  58. How friendly are the students / faculty?  How do students interact with others of different backgrounds?
  59. What types of students are most compatible with the college’s social and academic environment?
  60. Does the school offer career planning assistance following graduation?
  61. Is there an active alumni association?

Written by: Lynn Radlauer Lubell, Publisher of and Founder of Admission By Design (, an Educational Consultancy based in Boca Raton, Florida.

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